Arena Animation Ahmedabad

© 2024 arenaanimationahmedabad , All Rights Reserved

Real Time-3D

  • Beginners Guide to 3D
  • 3D Pre Visualization
  • Art of Maya Modeling
  • Graphic Art and Illustrations
  • Storytelling in Motion
  • Sound Magic
  • Digital Visual Effects
  • Concepts of Graphics and Illustrations
  • Cinematography & Photography Basics
  • Pixel Perfect
  • Graphic Art and Illustrations
  • Video Magic
  • Storytelling in Motion
  • Sound Magic
  • Digital Visual Effects
  • Dynamic Paint FX with Maya
  • Introduction to Procedural VFX Workflow
  • Rotoscopy Techniques with Silhouette
  • Art of Camera Tracking
  • Nuke Basics
  • Wire removal
  • Colour Correction with Nuke
  • Green and Blue Screen Magic
  • Matte Painting Magic
  • 2D Tracking
  • 3D Tracking
  • Render pass and Open EXR
  • Art of Digital Sculpting
  • Character Setup (Rigging) with MAYA
  • Art of Maya Character Animation
  • Crowd Replication
  • Elements of Photogrammetry
  • Realtime 3D


  • Production Management (Introduction to Production Management, Pre Production Planning, Production, Post Production & Delivery)
  • Specialisation & Digital Portfolio Development
    (Choose 1 Graphic Design 3D VFX Realtime 3D